Lunch Break Videos

Let’s face the facts, work can be dull, boring and a drag on your day.  Sure there is coffee which can hype you up for a little bit, plus the occasional joke about your boss, but when it comes down to it, sometimes we need more.  Well, you’re in luck because that’s where Tools in Action can bring a smile to your face with our lunch break videos.  Some of our videos are for fun and some are for educational purposes, but mostly fun.  You will find some of the videos to make you appreciate the job you’re in  Sure the grass is always greener on the other side, but let’s face it.  There are still those dead spots and weeds, just like you see on your side.  Grab a cup of coffee, get your napkin out and start eating while watching Tools in Action lunch break videos.  Enjoy the videos.

A Time Gone BY

At 31, I was in the last shop class my County school district offered. At the end of the semester they came in, hauled...
mythbusters build

Adam Savage from Mythbusters – Builds a Multi-Tool Holster

The title pretty much explains it all.  Adam Savage didn't like the holster that came with most multi tools, so he built his own....

Cat Excavators Playing Jenga – Lunch Break

The title says it all, if i were a millionaire I would probably have my friends over every night for this. 27 blocks, each...

One Lenox Blade Saws a 727 in Half – According to Lenox

I am not too familiar with Lenox blades, I usually use Diablo blades.  I was surfing Youtube when I came across this almost 60...

Expensive Oversize Load – Lunch Break

This is why you need an oversize load escort in front of the load with a pole on it. [youtube]

Idiot Plumbers – Lunch Break

Just because someone claims to be a professional does not mean that they are a professional.  These plumbers take the cake!  No permits here. ...

OSHA is Obviously not in China

Chinese workers are building a concrete walkway in the Shifou Mountains of China.  From the looks of it these workers are incredibly brave or insanely...

The DeWALT 12V MAX Glock .45 Pistol

Here in Chicago you need to be packing when you pull up to a job.  I know plenty of contractors that get their gear ripped...

Loading a Truck on a Truck with the Professionals – Lunch Break

Anyone can claim to be a Professional.  These guys really take the cake.  I will be using them for all my big load moving...

Milwaukee Tool Racing Motorcycle

Check out this Milwaukee Fuel Racing Motorcycle from Australia.  In the video the guy says it runs on Milwaukee 4.0 batteries but he also discusses the engine....
How an Impact Driver Works

Ever Wonder How an Impact Driver Works?

I love YouTube, I don't have cable TV.  I just watch YouTube all day.  I came across a fellow named Nick Moore who took...

Metal Construction – Lunch Break Video

Need a Contractor?  Don't call this guy. [youtube]   Let's not forget about Ray the best roofer period! LOL @ MR Roof!  The hammer spin is...
table saw slo mo

Have You Ever Wanted to See a Table Saw in Slow Motion – Neither...

Check this video out of a table saw slowed down to 150,000 frames per second. To make it more exciting it is in black...
RC cooler

Milwaukee Branded Remote Control Cooler

Once again overseas countries get all the cool toys before the US.  I am not even sure if this will ever be available in the...

Tool Definitions

I was surfing TIA last night to see what I can clean up on the site and was looking through some of our earlier...