Metabo HPT EC914S Compressor

Metabo HPT EC914S Compressor

The Tank by Metabo HPT.  I think the name says it all, The Tank.  When it comes to running pneumatic tools, you need a great compressor.  You want something that doesn’t cost a lot, something that isn’t too heavy and you want something that offers power and versatility.  Well that is where The Tank comes into play

What makes The Tank so great is that it offers all that.  The unit is priced well, not extremely heavy, and has enough power to run multiple nailers.  So let’s jump in and take a look at The Tank.  Sorry, I can’t stop saying The Tank.

Metabo HPT EC914S Compressor – Information

  • Name – The Tank – 6-Gallon High Capacity Pancake Air Compressor
  • Model – EC914S
  • Price – $199
  • Where to BuyLowes
  • ReviewsMetabo HPT Review

Metabo HPT EC914S Compressor – Features

When it comes to a pancake compressor Metabo didn’t hold back on power.  Not only is the power and the capacity top-notch, but Metabo HPT also added a couple of other cool features to this tank.

The Tank is a 200 PSi with 4 cfm @ 90 PSi.  The Tank is designed to power either 2 framing nailers, 2 roofing or siding nailers, 3 15Ga or 16Ga finish nailers, or 5 18 Ga Brad nailers. As you can see, this is a pancake system compressor and it only weighs 41 lbs., which isn’t bad for this type of compressor.  Normally to run these types of tools together, you would need a twin stack compressor and they are much heavier than 41 lbs.

Metabo HPT EC914S Compressor

I like how Metabo HPT designed it with the gauges showing up so I can look down on the compressor and see the PSI and the regulated pressure PSI.

Metabo HPT EC914S Compressor

The Tank has two built-in outlets so it’s already set up to run two tools.

Metabo HPT EC914S Compressor

The large red knob in the front will allow the user to adjust the pressure to match the tool in use.

Metabo HPT EC914S Compressor

On the bottom of the feet, there are rubber feet to help stop the walking and also keep the vibration noise lower.

Metabo HPT EC914S Compressor

The compressor is designed with a ball turn value for easy emptying when finished for the day.

Metabo HPT EC914S Compressor

On top of the compressor, there is a metal handle to allow you to carry or lift the compressor.

Metabo HPT EC914S Compressor – Impressions

For me, The Tank is great.  I love the weight but I love power.  I love being able to run multiple nailers off one tank which means less noise, fewer power cords, and more freedom.  We could easily power two framing nailers with this single compressor.

Metabo HPT EC914S Compressor – Wrap Up

When we started this article, we agreed that with a compressor you want a compressor that doesn’t cost a lot, something that isn’t too heavy and you want something that offers power and versatility.  Well, that is where The Tank comes into play.  Lightweight, small, powerful, and all for a reasonable price.  So did Metabo hit a home run in your eyes?  In my opinion, they hit a home run with The Tank.


  1. Hey love the articles, quick, clear and simplified. I eould like to ask a question between the tank and rigid 200psi 4.5 gallon which do you think is better for framing?

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