Vermont American Dimpler



Drywall, what else is there to say. It’s heavy and demanding. There are some who hang drywall everyday and they have this down to a science. If you are one of them, you can probably stop reading this article and move on to something more interesting, like our review of the Dewalt 12 Impact Wrench and then there are some who do not work with drywall every day. This article is a little bit about drywall and a little bit about the Vermont American Dimpler model 16627 review.

Even though there is a lot that goes into making drywall, the concept is pretty simple. Drywall is simply crushed rock stuck in-between two sheets of paper. You pop it up on the wall, screw it in and finish it. There are some key concepts to drywall wall, but the one we are going to cover is attaching drywall to a surface such as studs or other objects. As noted earlier, drywall is just crushed rock being held together by two pieces of paper. When you think about the concept, the only thing sturdy is the word rock. But being crushed, how sturdy is it really? Suprisingly enough it is very sturdy, as long as you handle it and hang it in the correct manner. The key to hanging drywall the correct way is to make sure the screw is in far enough that you can mud over the screws, which is a little indented, but not too far where it breaks the paper. So there is a fine space the screw needs to be placed. Which brings us to the Vermont American Drywall Dimpler.

The Dimpler is a cool little gadget that is placed on your drill, basically it’s a one step system to hang drywall. As you can see by the picture there is a Phillip’s head surrounded by a round shape which prevents the screw from going too deep into the drywall. The head is magnetic which holds the screw in place until you use the screw. As the user screws in the screw, it works as any bit would. As soon as the user goes deep enough with the screw, the round head on the bit makes contact with the drywall and activates the clutch preventing the screw from going any deeper and prevents any tears into the drywall. Pretty cool huh? The shank is 1/4″ so it works with basically any drill. You can check out our brief video below.

Overall the American Vermont Dimpler is a great bit to have around. It makes hanging drywall a snap, well at least screwing in the drywall. We found it very easy to work with and it provide great results.



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