Troy-Bilt Storm 2410 Snow Thrower Review- Chicago Winter Approved


Winter in Chicago blows, luckily so does the the Troy-Bilt 2400 Storm.  Okay enough with the jokes, it has been brutal here in Chicago.  Below zero temps are the norm and snow is an almost everyday occurrence.  With all this snow and plowing, my driveway was getting smaller and smaller with the snow piles mounting up.  As soon as the Troy-Bolt 2410 Storm arrived it was put to work reclaiming my driveway.  I worked it into the icy snow piles and eventually got all of my driveway back.  A snow thrower can direct the snow where you want it eliminating snow piles.  This snow blower is great for Chicago winters.

Last year we checked out the Storm Tracker 2690 XP which is the Cadillac of snow throwers.  The 2410 is an entry level 2 stage snow thrower.  When your single stage isn’t cutting it or you are prone to drifts you are going to want to get a 2 stage.  It cuts drifts like butter and the 2140 even  has mounts to add drift cutters.  The 2410 cuts a 24″ width into its 21″ high intake.  The quality of this machine is good.    Big reflective stripes are a nice safety addition and the paint job screams visibility.  This is good because a lot of the time you are turning around in the street.

A 179cc Troy-Bilt motor powers the 2410.  This is our second experience with a Troy-Bilt engine and we are very impressed.  They are quieter than the now defunct Snow King engines and start a lot easier.  For those of you that need the princess treatment it also has an electric start.  That was a joke, but for older people the electric start is just great and saves your shoulders.  The engine has a dedicated oil drain tube to make maintenance a snap.  A big metal 2 qt fuel tank will keep you running for a long time.  7 forward and 2 reverse speeds propel the pneumatic 13″ x 4″ tires.  They have impressive traction thanks to X-Trac technology and AWD.  The unit can also be easily pushed forwards or backwards manually which really speeds things up in tight areas.

The chute has a manual rotary handle for direction. It is also manually adjusted for height.  The 12″ serrated steel augers chomp through the toughest of snow and ice.  The second stage operation was smooth and we did not experience any clogging in the chute.  If for some reason your augers get jammed up you can use the included auger pick to safely remove the debris.  To wrap it up I think the Troy-Bilt Storm 2410 Snow Thrower is a great buy.  It is tough enough for Chicago winters and easy on your pocket book.  It handled everything we threw at it like a champ.


  1. I remember the storm tracker snow blower you review last year. This year you are getting huge amounts of snow. This Troy looks like it’s up to the task. Great review.

  2. We’ve been getting more snow here in NJ as well, and I’m glad to have my Craftsman snow thrower. If I ever need to replace it, I’ll definitely look at the Troy-Bilt.

    Thanks guys!

  3. Been watching the weather reports for Chicago area, glad I don’t need a snow blower here in
    Northern Calif. You could freeze the balls off of a brass monkey out there. Brrrrrrr

  4. We are not used to this much cold and snow in the Detroit area! I’m really more tired of the cold than snow at this point. Some of the school districts have been closed for 5 days or more because of snow and cold days. I will say I’m glad I have a snow blower. I don’t know how people that don’t have one live with shoveling and killing their backs while doing it.

  5. It’s been a rough winter here in the Windy City, snow, plus frigid temps. I can do with the frigid temps, but the snow is piling up & no where to go. I do envy those that have snow throwers at times. My place has small walk ways so something this big is not ideal for me, but something smaller will work. Shoveling the alley really stinks and this beast would take care of it quickly. I would probably do the whole alley and send Rahm the bill. Please review something smaller for us poor saps that don’t have huge driveways or pathways. There is so much out there that its hard to decide. Laters TIA

    • The best bang for your buck when it comes to the smaller snow blowers are the Toro single stage machines they handle decent amounts of snow while also being compact and light. Honda has some single stage units also but they are on the more expensive side, but they seem to get great reviews and are made in the USA both the engine and snow blower. Your not going to find many snow blowers made with American made engines anymore anything after 2012 it gets really tough as most of the small engine companies moved production overseas.

  6. I have the 208CC 2620. I live in Northwest Ohio and I gotta be honest, I can’t imagine getting through this winter without it. I runs like a champ and starts on the first or second pull every time. It has the electric start, but I don’t find it necessary. Plus as a bonus, TroyBilt is Headquartered in Cleveland and most of their products are assembled in the the US. I haven’t had to deal with customer service yet, but I’ll need to replace the rubber primer button soon so we’ll see how that goes.

  7. i have a troy bilt storm 2620.
    I bought it last fall and it did a great job the 2 times I had to use it.This winter I tried to use it on our first snow.It will only run in the full choke position.If you move it a hair off that it dies.
    I followed all the instructions before putting it up last spring.
    Lowe’s won’t do anything about it and the warranty won’t cover any gas issue,including carburetor issues.
    I was told by Lowe’s,the local warranty service center, and Troy bilt to use only non ethanol gas and to fill the tank up quite a few times a year and let it run until empty.
    The manual instructs to use gas that is no higher then 10% ethanol. The gas tank cover lid also says that.
    So for an $800.00 investment I was able to use it twice.$400.00 per use.It will cost out of pocket over $300.00 to have it fixed.That includes about $100.00 to have it picked up and returned.I live on a small social Security check.
    This unit was a total ripoff.
    Shop around well before purchasing anything made by Troy Bilt.

    • The problem with 10% Ethanol in gas is NOT just a troy built issue. I had a mower with a Honda engine which was ruined even though I replaced the carb and used fuel. I recommend using BP gas as it does not add Ethanol and running any motorized equipment. The new Ethanol fuel will also ruin your classic car. This is not a manufacturer issue, it is a fuel stabilization issue. The Ethanol evaporates and the remaining content gums up everything, even using stabilizers.

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