Milwaukee has been a little late to the storage game but we are liking what we see so far. The boxes are not interlocking but they are innovative and useful. We tested the 26″ job box awhile back and liked it with the exception of the latches that pop open when dropped. The new 13″ Work Box is more of carry everywhere box. Perfect for the tradesman to carry all their tools to a job.
The box can also be used as a stool which is pretty cool. However it cannot be used as a step. Well at least that is what it says right on the lid. The lid locks like a cooler and the box is actually pretty tough. The trays inside slide out and hold your screwdrivers and pliers. So when you are using it as a stool you don’t have to keep getting up and opening the box. Think of it like a square Bucket Buddy except everything is contained inside and it has a lid.
Guys the last 9 min or were hilarious. Eric why do you do Dan so wrong? I also would not pay over $20 bucks for this tool box. I like it, but what is the difference between this & regular bucket with tool skirt (don’t know what they are called) from HD for less than $10. What is missing? The top to put your butt? There is something for that as well at HD, Lowes, & Menards with nails & screws for about $5 bucks. So, let’s see, bucket $3, $6 tool skirt for bucket, $5 for bucket cover, plus nails & screws for $14 bucks (plus tax). I have all three x2. So, maybe $20 (with tax), but it is cool looking. Laters TIA
What will Dan do to get even Stephen? Be afraid Eric, very afraid……
“You shouldn’t have put 2 batteries in there.” LMAO!!! Now every time Dan puts more than one battery in toolbox he’s going to think of that night. HA!
I would only go 10 myself. I don’t really need anymore boxes though. Nice review guys anyway.
That was about the funniest thing you two have ever done. Unreal
Ha thanks!
So you are telling me I cant keep my burning road flares in here?? Dang!
How were the tools btw? Did they dry out and still work or head to the dumpster?
It actually held up well. Everything was toasted
Now if it came with bags and a toilet seat that would be great for the job site ?
Ha why not! Someone needs to make a portable toilet! This would be an expensive #2 lol
I would pay 10 dollars only for that box