Happy Independence Day

happy independence day from Tools in Action

Happy Independence Day tommorrow! We’ll be checked out here at the Tools In Action office to spend some extra time with our friends and family–and we hope you are too!

We love summer here at TIA. For me, I spend it attending and coaching my sons’ baseball games, hang outside with my friends and family, and of course grilling. Independence Day or the Fourth of July for me is almost like a summer Thanksgiving for me, except I get to be thankful for the freedom that allows me to enjoy my life so easily. I want to give a special thank you to those who continue to fight for our freedom. I want you to know that even if I’m just grilling or laughing with people today that I thank you for the ability to do so.

As I said, I hope you’re planning to spend some time outside with your loved ones. Here are a few TIA articles to maximize your time outside this summer.

TIA Outdoor Articles for a Better Independence Day

As I said, these articles will help you make the most of your lawn and help create an environment for your guests to enjoy if you happen to have people (or pets) over today. These articles just scratch the surface of all that TIA has to offer for outdoor maintenance and entertaining. Feel free to look back even further for more tips and advice, or even OPE recommendations.

Alright, that’s enough shameless self-promotion. Now get off the computer and enjoy some time outside this Independence Day!


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