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Lawn Mower Reviews

Are you looking lawn mower reviews?  If so you have come to the right place.  We review the newest lawn mowers and report back to you.  Is there a lawn mower you have in mind, but we don’t have a lawn mower review posted?  Drop us a line because we might be working on the lawn mower review or might have it in the works.  Technology is changing on a daily basis.  If you are looking to buy a new lawn mower for a job or your home, get informed before you buy.  Understand what’s new in the marketplace and how it can affect your purchase.  If you still need help, talk to someone on the Power Tool Forum.  The Power Tool Forum is filled with great people who are very friendly and very smart.  Chances are if you are looking for a product, someone in the forum has experience and provide you with their lawn mower review.  Stay informed, stay up to date and become an expert before you buy.  Read our lawn mower reviews below.

Toro Personal Pace with Briggs & Stratton Engine

Toro Personal Pace with Briggs & Stratton Engine

Summer is in full swing and that means the grass is growing and lawns need to be cut.  If you are like most people,...

Troy-Bilt Mustang Pivot 46 Zero-Turn Rider

If you have never used a zero turn and you are in the market for a new riding lawn mower, you might want to...
greenworks pro lawn mower

Greenworks Pro Lawn Mower – 80V Power

Greenworks has been making OPE products for a while.  They make anything from residential products all the way up to professional products.  However today...

Husqvarna HU675 AWD Lawn Mower

Husqvarna, what can't they do?   They make large construction equipment, awesome concrete saws and yes even lawn mowers.  While this doesn't have all...
Ryobi AWD Lawn Mower

RYOBI AWD Lawn Mower

Have you jumped on the battery-powered lawn mower bandwagon?  If you're like me, I have been skeptical over the years, but now I can't...

Greenworks 40V Lawnmower Cut Report

Greenworks is a name I have become more familiar with over the last year.  I really love their products and they seem to make...

Toro Personal Pace Review Update

A while back we did a review of the Toro Personal Pace mower.  While we were happy with this mower, we did have a...
Swedish rider

Husqvarna R 220T Articulated Rider – Cut Report

I cannot believe the grass actually started to grow here in Chicago.  My neighbors love me because in the spring I mow their lawns...
echo lawn mower

Echo Lawn Mower – 58V Cordless Power

As part of mower week, today we are talking about the Echo Lawn Mower.  This is really our first experience with a cordless Echo...

EGO 56V Lawn Mower Joins Fleet of Electric OPE

The EGO lawn mower, yes I said the EGO lawn mower.  You may have not heard of these guys. but if you visit a...

Craftsman Lawn Mower Cut Report

This is the gas mower I thought would take top spot, so did it?  Come on I can't tell you that now, then the rest...
Ego Mower

EGO Mower – 21″ Self Propelled 56V Lawn Mower

It's been a couple of years since EGO introduced it's 56V line of Outdoor Power Equipment (OPE).  At the time, there was no way...

Craftsman 22″ Quiet AWD Lawn Mower

Is it a big powered train?  Is it a Cadillac? No, it's a Craftsman 22" lawn mower, but it sure resembles a Cadillac.  Okay...
Yard Force Review

Yard Force Review – OPE Edition

Over the last couple of years, we have seen a huge leap forward in battery technology.  No longer do we have to rely on...

Kobalt 40 Volt Cordless Electric Lawn Mower

So you thought Kobalt only made tools.  In fact, they have a line up of various lawn mowers.  Here we are covering the 40V double...
2023 Ego Lawn Mowers

2023 EGO Lawn Mowers – What’s New and Why I might Sell Mine

When you think of outdoor power equipment (OPE), who do you think of? For me, it's hands-down EGO, which I will explain shortly.  This...