Southwire String Lights – X Uplight

Southwire String Lights

When it comes to electricity, Southwire is known in the industry as the premier electrical company.  They are not only known for having the best quality products but they are also known for how much they give back to our communities.  However today we are talking about lighting up a jobsite with the Southwire String Lights.  So let’s jump in and see what these have to offer.

Jobsite Lights

Lighting is one of the most important things on a jobsite.  If you can’t see, you can’t perform.  When I say lighting, I am not talking about dimly lit jobsites, I am talking about genuinely lighting up the jobsite so we can see every aspect of our work.  Not only does a highly visible jobsite mean better outcomes, but it also means better safety.  The Southwire lights are a great way to light up the jobsite, rooms, and more.

Southwire String Lights Features

Southwire String Lights

We had a chance to try out the Southwire X Uplight, which is the 50′ version.  The model number is 71X4SW.  If you prefer the 100′, the model number is 71X5SW.

Southwire String Lights

Each light uses an anti-glare lens and produces 2200 lumens per head.  The front has 2000 lumens.

Southwire String Lights

One cool feature is even the back produces 200 lumens of light.  So it helps eliminate dark spots.

Southwire String Lights

The cord is a heavy-duty 16/3 cord.

Southwire String Lights

The lights use a three-prong cord.  If you are using one string, there is an end cap to cover up the cord.  However, if you want more lights, you can attach them together.

Southwire String Lights

Where the cord attaches to the light, there is a solid piece that helps to prevent twisting and also bending, and breaking.

The lights offer a 4-way mounting loop where you can place twist locks.  So you can have the light shine in any direction.

Here is a quick example of how easy the light is to set up and point in any direction.

Southwire String Lights Performance

Comparing these to traditional lighting, these are far superior.  Easy to set up, plenty of light, and with LEDs, no maintenance, and the light will last a long time, 50,000 hours.

While it’s hard to tell in a picture, there is plenty of downward light, but the upward light is great to give light in more than just one direction.

Learn More About these Lights

Southwire String Lights Wrap Up

When it comes to lighting, there is a reason Southwire is an elite company.  They have the experience and offer some of the best products in the marketplace.  The String Lights – X Uplight is just another reason Southwire shines.  The lights are easy to set up, last a long time, have no maintenance, and truly provide light to shine up any location, even in damp environments.


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