Milwaukee Packout Radio Review

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review

Let’s face it, music makes everything better.  Okay, sure it does depend on the music and the quality, but it’s always nice to have music on while you are working.  Over the years, power tool manufacturers have released a lot of different radios and each time I feel like they get better and better.  Which brings me to the Milwaukee Packout Radio Review.

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review Overview

I have been working on my house for a while and the first thing I do, well the second thing I do is turn on the radio.  My first thing is to make a cup of coffee.  For me, I love having music on.  Most of the time, it’s just background noise as I am working.

The Milwaukee Packout radio is one of the radios that not only has some power and good sound but if you own the Milwaukee Packout system or cart, this radio makes sense. So what does it have and what can it offer?

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review Features

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review

The Milwaukee 2950-20 is built and designed to work with the Milwaukee Packout system.  The radio is a perfect solution for large areas or outdoor use.

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review

The radio features a nice display for time, volume and stations.

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review

On the front of the radio, you can change the mode, adjust the volume and EQ, along with music playback. The radio uses Bluetooth 4.2 and can stream up to 100′ away. You can set up to 18 stations in your preset.

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review

The radio is not only powered by the Milwaukee M18 volt line but it also acts as a charge so you can listen to tunes while charging a battery. As you can see there is a USB charger for your phone which delivers 2.1 Ah.

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review

If you would rather run it straight from the wall, no worries, you can power this with a plug.

The radio has a nice interface to give you feedback about the status of the charger and the status of your battery.

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review

One cool feature is the bottle opener on the side of the radio.

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review

The radio has a total of 10 speakers.  Each corner has two speakers under the black cover.

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review

On the back of the radio, there are two bass speakers.

Milwaukee designed this with a foldable handle which makes it easy to carry around and store when not in use.

As you can see, the radio can stand up and sit on top of other boxes or other Packouts can sit on top of the radio.

On the back of the radio, there is a foldable antenna.

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review Performance

As far as performance, I love the sound quality.  It’s not as bassy as the Dewalt ToughSystem but I think that is because Dewalt has the bass on the bottom and it vibrates off the surface where Milwaukee has it on the back of the radio.

As far as reception, it’s nothing to write home about.  Most radios aren’t that great.  But again, I know most people don’t listen to the radio.  For me, this radio is easy to use and I love the Bluetooth connection so I can stream music.

Overall, I think the sound quality is awesome.  Very crisp and it still has some bass but overall, very impressed and pleased with the output.

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review Value

The radio runs about $300 at The Home Depot and that is without a battery. Personally, I think this is pricey for a radio.  But again you are getting a loud system, a radio that fits the Packout and a radio that charges a battery and your phone.  So I will leave that to you to decide if the price tag is justified.

Milwaukee Packout Radio Review Final Word

The bottom line, I love this radio for certain environments.  Yes, it’s bulky, but if you have a Packout system, this is a great addition.  If you like loud music with some bass, this is perfect.  If the size doesn’t matter, this is great.  However, if you are looking for something to toss in your bag and is not expensive, I personally like the Dewalt for a smaller radio.  However, this has some nice sound, love the charger and overall, a great radio for the job site.


  1. Im going to home depot right that ? look bad ass if it works really good it will be worth the money thanks very much

  2. The Milwaukee 2890- 20 is a great addition to my list of Milwaukee tools. It sounds great and has an outlet at the top of the compt to plug in your phone and run aux to play music from your phone and charge your phone. A battery lasts all day and the cord is long if an outlet is near.

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