Yes, this gift guide is for boys, sorry girls. As you know I have two sons, Griffin and Trevor. My wife and I have been looking around at toys for Christmas and have found a lot of cool things that I just wanted to share with you. Now keep in mind, I know a lot of kids are into Minecraft, Star Wars, etc. I wanted to do some of the traditional items that we played with as a kid. Both of my kids are into sports, so a lot of these are sports related. If you have any other ideas, leave a comment below. I am always looking for cool new things for the kids.
US Marine Pistol Kit
I did put this in the Dad’s gift guide, but thought I would include it in this guide also. My kids have been loving this. It’s powerful enough to have fun, but not too powerful where it will break the skin. This has been a great way for me to introduce gun safety and training for guns into my boys’ lives. Plus it has been fun for me also. Check it out at Cabela’s
Franklin Sports NHL Mini Hockey Goal Set of 2
We bought this for our kids last year and they love it. We have been playing it in our basement and it has been a blast. They have held up pretty good over the last year. We don’t really use the sticks as they are pretty small. I ended up buying some cheaper adult sticks and cutting them down to size. Check it out
Fisher-Price Triple Hit Baseball
If you have younger kids, this thing is awesome. It basically pitches to the kids. You can also use it as a batting Tee. I don’t know how many hours of use they have gotten out of this. The one I have is the older model, but it looks pretty close to this model. It’s just a cool baseball game that they can always play. Check it out
Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage Playset
My youngest son loves Hot Wheel and this garage kit looks awesome. I think Santa is getting it for him this year. Who doesn’t love Hot Wheels? Remember that orange track that you can build anything you want. That was always fun. I still have some and build tracks all the time with my boys. The only place I can find the orange track is at Toys R Us. Here is the link to the garage set. Check it out
– Orange Track on Amazon
Anki OVERDRIVE Starter Kit
We don’t have this kit, so I can’t talk much about it, but the reviews look good. Remember the old cars where the cars would sit on the track and be held by a pin that would follow the track. They were always cool for the ten minutes they worked. This one looks a little different. Just not sure of the idea of needing a mobile device to use this system. Check it out
Quad Copter
My boys are 5 and 7 so I don’t use these fancy ones. We have a cheaper version, but these look cool for older boys. Maybe I will pick one up for myself. Who am I kidding, my boys will be using them. Check it out
Remote Control Car
I have always loved remote control cars. The problem is finding one that lasts. These have pretty good reviews and boys always love to race them around. I have a cheaper set, but they don’t last. Maybe this year Santa will bring them one of these. Check it out
I am sure there are a bunch of other cool toys for boys, but just wanted to get the ball rolling and give some ideas. Again, if someone has other ideas, leave a comment below as I am always looking for cool, new toys for our boys.
Thanks for sharing Eric,my kids are the same age range of yours. BTW that Hot wheels garage is one cool kit man,we just got that for one of our boys. Yeah Toys ‘R’ us has tons of the track,I think I saw it at Target recently too.
All are very cool toys.
I wouldn’t mind having that ultimate hot wheels garage myself! I saw that a month ago and thought that was pretty cool.
Thanks for the ideas. We are thinking of adding a Anki track to the play room. My husband and I love toys and might even let the grandkids play with it. We got an inexpensive blow dart gun for our dartboard. It improved my accuracy and the kids like it too (with supervision of course).
Thanks Eric glad you took time to give us these ideas. My youngest is 4 and I think he might enjoy a few things you have on this list I’m looking at a quad copter like the one your showing but I might opt for a cheaper version that he can crash and not hurt the pocketbook too much lol. Thanks again
Good point. I didn’t think about that one. I will probably do the same.
I love your guys channel and took reviews I check online multiple times a day for new input on new tools and also the videos I love the videos. I’m just a young guy just getting started and teaching myself the whole way and you guys help more than you know. Thanks for everything. Kris T
Consider the Grandson ( 3 years old) spoiled throughout 2016. Thank You TIA!