Lunch Break Videos

Let’s face the facts, work can be dull, boring and a drag on your day.  Sure there is coffee which can hype you up for a little bit, plus the occasional joke about your boss, but when it comes down to it, sometimes we need more.  Well, you’re in luck because that’s where Tools in Action can bring a smile to your face with our lunch break videos.  Some of our videos are for fun and some are for educational purposes, but mostly fun.  You will find some of the videos to make you appreciate the job you’re in  Sure the grass is always greener on the other side, but let’s face it.  There are still those dead spots and weeds, just like you see on your side.  Grab a cup of coffee, get your napkin out and start eating while watching Tools in Action lunch break videos.  Enjoy the videos.

Lunch Break Videos

            Let's end the week with some cool videos found on the web.  First we have this Caterpillar D11 operator with balls of steel.  At...

Draw Awesome Diagrams for Free

Sometimes it is easier to draw out a diagram to show the task at hand.  Programs like Microsoft Visio are great but come with...

Found on Youtube – Strange Gears

      Check out this cool video we found on youtube.  It looks like it would not work, but it does!  This guy spent a lot...

Railroad Thermite Welding – How they do it

  Railroad Thermite Welding - These guys make it look easy, but this is how you weld 2 pieces of steel track together. 5uxsFglz2ig

Compressorhead Band – Heavy Metal like you have never seen before!

Want to manage your very own band and take in all the money the band makes?  Just build your own band with pneumatics.  That...

Video of a 747 vs a car

The English Top Gear is awesome! I worked on the ramp at a few airports for many years and have seen a few jet blast...

A Harbor Freight Moment

Love it or hate it Harbor Freight is awesome for odds and ends.  I love buying hardware and cheap random things from there.  I...

Barrington Concours d’Elegance – Could you please pass the Grey Poupon

Tools In Action recently attended the Barrington Concours d’Elegance, a car show held annually to support the Barrington Area Conservation Trust, an organization that preserves land...

Some cool videos to take your mind off of work

A Giant Vortex Cannon You haven't lived until you have seen a 1936 Fairbanks Morse Model 32D in action.

Some crazy roofing vids

This guy needs to admit that he does not have a power nailer because he spends all his money on crack and hospital bills. ...

SJX Jet Boats – The Advantage of a Jet Boat

Jet Boats may be insane at trying to dock, but the advantage of not having running gear below the hull is AWESOME!

The Nut Splitter – Lunch Break

Who doesn't like splitting nuts when you can't get them off?  Check out the Fastorq Auto-Splitter™ Nut Splitter - We need a Milwaukee M12...

TIA Lunch Break – Dash Cams

Here is crazy dash cam footage, first we have some crazy Russians.  The guy sleeping is hilarious. Close Call. Vv4TZ5eaEgc Crazy Motorcycles. yjmtpp7GzhY ZsOOccLv6vg

How to get a C-130 Airplane to land in soccer stadium

This is very cool, too bad the plan got ditched. WKCl3lfAx1Q

OSHA is Obviously not in China

Chinese workers are building a concrete walkway in the Shifou Mountains of China.  From the looks of it these workers are incredibly brave or insanely...