Bosch GTS1031 Table Saw Added to the Ultimate Tool Bag Giveaway 2


Bosch again has come through to make the Ultimate Tool Bag Give away 2 awesome!  Yesterday we told you about the L-Boxx addition and today they have added the GTS1031 10″ Work site table saw.


Be sure to visit and check out Bosch’s YouTube channel.  For more details take a look at our Ultimate Tool Bag Giveaway 2 page.


  1. Ooh…..Hold on..I just fainted. Let me get up off the floor….oh noo.. I just fainted again!…. Have I told you guys how much I love you guys!

  2. Milwaukee needs to step up and provide some more stuff for the tool bag bosh is being really generous and I appreciate that. Might start looking at some of their tools also. I still am a big Milwaukke fan though let’s see the one of the new Fuel tools make it on there I want that brushless Sawzall bad.

  3. Thanks, guys, for lining up another great addition to the giveaway on July 4. Including any Bosch tool sweetens the prize.

  4. Holy Catfish Batman, butter my butt and call me a biscutt. A BOSCH TABLE SAW IN THE
    BAG. You guys have have really out done yourselves on this BIG BAG GIVEWAY # 2,

  5. I like portable tools since im a small dude. I had to transport a huge older dewalt table saw and that thing was a pain in the but to move around.

  6. Well, Daddy is awesome with tools. Our twin boys are learning a great deal from him. Problem is, boys like to get tools from their father when they get older as it evokes fond childhood memories of time spent with Dad. Looks like we are going to buy everything in sets of two now but well worth it! I wish every boy or girl, has the opportunity to learn to work with their hands and tools. Building or fixing, gives kids a great sense of self worth. Our family is strong and more involved with each other due to these projects. Sports are great but time in the shop, priceless. Way to go Bosch!

  7. Its looks liked awesome!Thanks,it is one of the mist giveaway for my.I starts build my house with the most giveaway.

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