Going to Harbor Freight is like going to $1 beer night at a minor league baseball game. You know the beer is gonna be watered down and taste like crap, but it’s cheap enough that you can choke it down to get the job done and the experience will be mildly entertaining. We got our first Harbor Freight around here about 10 years ago and everyone went wild over it…..at first. After awhile everyone figured out that those prices that seemed to be “too good to be true” were in fact “too good to be true”.
When you’re walking through the isles at HF, you see certain items like hammers and sandpaper and you say to yourself “they can’t possibly screw that up”……but they can. If there’s a way to cheapen an item to the point of complete uselessness, HF probably holds a patent on the process. But amidst the crap that serves no logical purpose whatsoever and the striking tools with the tinsel strength of cheese, there are some real gems to be had.
This list is my version of the 10 best tools you can buy at HF. It is not based on any scientific or democratic process, but solely upon my own personal experience and opinion. Prices quoted are the sale prices because, come on, does anyone ever pay the full listed price at HF? If you have any of your own picks, or you just disagree with mine, feel free to come over to our forum and tell me about it.
10. Impact Sockets
In my many, online, tool related, conversations, I’ve encountered many HF lovers and haters alike. One of the few HF products they almost always agree are pretty decent are the impact sockets. They hold up well, and at $25 for a 13 piece set, it’s hard to complain. We’re talking about outfitting yourself with every 1/2″ drive, deep and shallow, metric and SAE, impact socket that you’ll likely ever need, for $100. That’s a pretty damn good value.
9. Digital Calipers
In Batavia, IL there is a lab called FermiLab. They shoot atoms and things at each other through a tube several miles long, to produce particle collisions at 70% the speed of light, to produce things I can’t pronounce, for purposes I don’t understand. This system was NOT built using HF meaning equipment. But if your needs are a little less about NASA level precision and a little more about really damn close, the HF digital calipers are a really great value. You take something measured on a $150+ Starrett with an accuracy rating of +/-.0001, and something measured with a $14.99 HF caliper (also with an accuracy rating of +/-.0001) and I bet you can’t tell the difference.
8. Grinding and Cut-Off Wheels
Grinding and cut off wheels don’t last long. Even the good ones are gone way too fast. A couple weeks back I burnt up 3 cut-off wheels in no time cutting stakes out of rebar. At $2 or so apiece, it really doesn’t take long to get frustrating. At around $ .80 each the HF offerings are pretty hard to pass up. Do they last as long as the higher end ones? Not exactly, but they are really comparable and can really reduce the cost on a cutting project.
7. 21° Angle Framing Nailer
I want to tell you this thing is terrible. I’d love to tell you the one we got probably 5 years ago for $79 is so terrible it isn’t worth it’s weight in scrap, but that just isn’t the case. Is it as nice as a $250+ Bostich or our $220 Porter Cable? No, but for $79 it’s a champ. It’s lightweight, seldom jams, and if I drop if from a 2nd story, I’m a lot less concerned about it.
6. 20 Ton Shop Press
The 20 ton shop press is one of those items the really exemplifies HF’s biggest marketing appeal in my opinion. It puts normally very expensive equipment within the budget of virtually anyone. I’ve known lots of guys who really put this press through it’s paces, and hear very few complaints.
5. OBD II & CAN Professional Scan Tool
I’m not a professional mechanic. I’m mechanically inclined, and I know a little about cars, but in the age of computers, sensors, and all the other “progress”, the real trick for the home mechanic is figuring out what to fix. It gets harder all the time to work on your own car and without a scan tool, it’s damn near impossible. Professional scan tools can run anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand, way out of the range of affordability and justifiability for most of us. I’ve been using this tool for a couple years now and the only issue I had was reading the codes on my cousins Mitsubishi Lancer (but who drives Mitsubishi’s anyway). For $119 you can find out what that light that came on is trying to tell you, and even turn it off it you want. It does live data, has on-board memory, and comes with the software to not only download data to your PC, but to update the tool as well. There is a version that also covers ABS systems, but it typically runs and extra $20. Even if you don’t have any intention of fixing your own car, it’s nice to have an idea of what’s up before you head to the shop.
4. 60 Gal. 5 HP 165 PSI 2-Stage Air Compressor
I do some pretty extensive DIY work. I needed a bigger compressor I could sufficiently run air tools, paint, and lite sandblast with, but I really didn’t have $2500 to spend on one. I narrowed it down to this one, and a 60 gallon IR at Tractor Supply that was about $50 cheaper. While they spec’d out close, the IR was a single stage, had a Chinese motor, and an Indian made pump. This compressor was a 2 stage, had a Century motor made in Mexico (Hey, it’s better than China), and an Italian pump. After a month of comparison, I felt the HF was a better built compressor. A year later I am still satisfied with my choice. With an air delivery of 15.8 CFM @ 90 PSI, it’s done everything I’ve asked of it and ready for more. It’s a lot of compressor for $899.
3. Air Hose Reel
Rolling and unrolling an air hose is pretty much a pain in the ass. When I set up my shop I knew a retractable reel was a must, but when I priced them, I nearly had a stroke. HF came to the rescue. For $89 you can’t beat this thing. Works great, comes with the 50 ft. rubber hose, and doesn’t leak a drop. I’d recommend it any day.
2. Floor Jacks
Like them or hate them, HF has some fantastic floor jacks. I’ve heard the argument 500 times “I wouldn’t trust my life to a HF jack”. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you trust your life to ANY jack, whether it’s a HF or a $600 Hein-Werner, you’re an idiot. ALWAYS USE JACK STANDS! Whether you like HF or hate them, their jacks are very nice, especially when you consider the price. Steel, aluminum, bottle, or ATV, doesn’t matter, they do jacks well and it’s the best value on the market.
1. Tool Chests
This list was compiled in no particular order, but the tool chests are right where they belong at #1. Whether it’s the 56″ 11 drawer for $799 (pictured), the 44″ 13 drawer for $389, the 26″ 16 drawer combo for $359, or even the 5 drawer cart for $199, it doesn’t matter. These are great boxes. I bought a 41″ Craftsman a couple years ago and it’s junk. The 44″ HF has more storage, thicker metal, better slides, comes with pre-installed liners, and costs almost half the price. It was a rare blunder in Conductor’s tool buying logic. Is the quality on par with a higher end Snap-On or other truck brand boxes? No, but it is a very, very, nice box and you can buy 5 or 6 of them for the same money as an entry level truck box. Even a nice used box off the truck can run you $3,000 or more, so that should really put the value into perspective. At a few thousand dollars the first scratch is like losing your favorite dog, but at these prices you can breath a little easier and treat it as a tool box was meant to be treated.
You are absolutely right about the HF (US General) Tool Boxes being top quality at a reasonable price. I’ve also been real satisfied with the Windsor Design Hardwood Workbench.
Harbor Freight Tool Boxes are NOT top quality, they are cheap, and cheap is why people buy them, they are no where near the quality of high-end tool boxes.
Your right about them not being top quality like snap on and such. But for the price, they are much better than you would expect. Compared to other home brands like craftsman, husky, etc. HF boxes are far better
Did you even read the article box truck fanboi? He compares it to a junk craftsman box and then says:
“Is the quality on par with a higher end Snap-On or other truck brand boxes? No, but it is a very, very, nice box and you can buy 5 or 6 of them for the same money as an entry level truck box.”
If you’re offended by that (if you even read the article, then maybe you should stop reading articles about HF tools.
Yes it is. They really improved with style looks and quality. I was shocked when mu employer bought one for me.
Wow Travis….great list! I have to agree….the shop press, impact sockets, and tool chests are my top 3 pics. You missed out on the free magnetic tool trays
Conductor great write up & I agree with you that some things are fool proof. How can a hammer handle bend 45 degrees? How can a drill bit not last one (yes one) wood screw? How can work gloves last a few hours before they break at the seams? I’ve learned to walk the aisles & look at these things & want things that I know are crap, but I still want them. Found a fix, when going to HF give wallet to wife. It works everytime.
I’ve also gotten the air hose reel (love it) which has lasted a few years for me. Gotten a few tool chests & sold thru the years which were not bad. There are some good inexpensive tools which are better to buy an off brand to save a few dollar, but then there are some really rotten apples. That’s why I give the wallet to the wife to keep me safe. Laters Conductor & TIA
Yeah HBT is not good for too many things that is for sure. I do get cheap paint brushes there on occasion to do some touch up work and then just throw the brush away saving me the time cleaning it up. I also got a 15 dollar 18 gauge pin nailer that has worked pretty good.
Nice write up, Travis. I’ve never tried the grinder wheels… my slightly obsessive/compulsive nature means I’m pretty well stocked up with 4″/4.5″/5″ wheels already. Probably going to buy a tool box or two when I get settled somewhere (assuming I don’t lose my mind and drop the coin on a Snappy). Curious if you have any experience with the HF Earthquake impact guns. Supposed to be pretty good stuff. Not Proto good, but at roughly 1/3 the cost…
I don’t have any experience with the Earthquake personally, but I’ve heard a lot of guys on the forums with good things to say about them. My local tire & service center uses them exclusively. They claim the get a couple years out of them with all day, everyday, use from guys who didn’t buy them and don’t take any care of them at all.
Ive been using an earthquake half inch impact and a 3/8 in air ratchet for over three years on a daily basis. i almost never oil them, i drop them a lot (I’m a bit clumsy sometimes) and they just wont die. I have a matco half inch impact that I got less than a year ago and I’ve had it rebuilt twice now. some of harbor freights stuff is pure junk and some is really surprisingly great, it just depends what you’re looking for.
Their jack stands are pretty decent as well,might as well get a pair to go with the jack
Pretty good list!! I would definitely give them a try……….
believe the harbor freight scissor transmission jack a good value..used one on tranny change on
truck.work perfect..goes high up and low profile when down.keeper for sure.
Good job Travis, nice article
Great write up. I agree on all points!
I didn’t even know you were literate!
Nice job Travis. I bought a HF nail gun about 10 years ago because you could change the angle of your nail guide. you could use Bosch, Paslode and a bunch of different brand of framing nails. My son has the gun now and it is still going strong with out any problems and you can not beat their tool boxes for the money.
You for got two things latex gloves and wire ties you just never know when you will need them.
Nice write up. I’ll have to take a look at a few of these things when I’m in there next. I noticed that the torques wrenches did not make the list. I would say that a $10 torque wrench (when on sale) is a good buy for someone that does not use them everyday. The quality seems pretty good for how much your paying. Thoughts?
My dad has a rebranded one and he has built a lot of engines with it over the years and we haven’t had an issue with it. It is probably 10+ years old and works great.
I have a set of the HF torque wrenches. I checked them against one of my Proto wrenches that is known accurate and they were dead on.
The only thing I would say is that I have enough doubts about HF quality control that I would test it against a known accurate wrench before using it on an engine.
Gentlemen do as I do. Just borrow what u need. Travis is my son. Makes tool shopping easy. Sometimes I can talk him in to doing it for me. Lol
The toolbox thing is one thing I wish I had known like Travis that they are great for the money. The only thing now its they have cheap WIFI or Bluetooth scanners now that you can pull diagnostic information off with a smartphone, laptop, or tablet.
My brother has one of these for his truck that goes right to his iPhone (via Bluetooth) and I guess it works pretty good for simple stuff. I’m but sure that you can turn off lights and manipulate stuff with it, but for simple diagnostics stuff, pretty nice.
I’m curious to know if the earthquake series impacts are any good. The 56 inch tool box looks really good for the money. I could probably never see spending big money on a snap on box. Great write up bro!
I have purchased two of the calipers and the first one i got was great, the second not so much, it kept jumping around. That is the thing with Harbor Freight, quality control. I do really want one of those 44″ tool chest though. Great list!
Harbor fright sucks. It’s no mystery. But at least they KNOW they sell cheap made in china garbage for cheap prices. Unlike sears, who hides behind a thin veil of customer loyalty through brand recognition, but still charges made in USA prices for cheap made in china tools. (craftsman).
The 1/2″ earthquake gun is good. Lugnuts, head bolts, main bearing caps, even the dreaded, “Honda crankshaft bolt”……all day. I bought one for my dad who is notoriously hard and abusive on tools……still going two years later.
Good read….thank you.
I’ve never been there.
But they seem to have seriously cheap crap there.
Maybe I’ll check it out some time.
Good to know.
Thanks for The report.
I agree with the impact sockets. I have a set that’s at least 20 years old and I haven’t had a problem. My HF jack never really wanted to hold up the car or truck. I had to quickly slide jack stands into place since the jack would s l o w l y start dropping the vehicle as soon as I released the handle.
Things must have changed in the last 3 years. I just bought a Husky tool box set from Home Depot because the quality was so much higher over the ones at HF.
Husky has been rocking it lately. Much better quality, your right.
I have a US General 44 inch tool box that I really like. It’s considerably better than the two Craftsman boxes that sit next to it in the garage. I was very skeptical when I read elsewhere that these are good boxes, so I really checked them out carefully in the store. Turned out to be a great buy and a good size for my tool collection. The metal is thicker and the drawer glides are heavier duty. This box and some of the Costco closeouts have been the best deals I’ve seen on higher capacity tool chests. I’m also thinking about picking up a HF Pittsburgh tool set (sockets and combination wrenches, etc) to keep in the pickup and RV. Planning to just throw them all in a nylon carry bag so they’re easy to grab and go. That way I don’t have to raid my tool chest and it’s not such a big deal if they end up lost or stolen.
Thank you for the good ideas, Travis.
Harbor Freight (like Husky/Home Depot) has made great progress in some areas over the last few years. I easily remember both of them being synonymous to “cheap, expendable junk” in the not-so-distant past.
The impact sockets are equal to Snap On. The combination wrench sets (nothing fancy, but toolbox staples) are also equal (I’ll get flamed for that assertion, but I’m making it, regardless). Nowadays, both Husky and Harbor Freight have a similar, lifetime warranty that Sears Craftsman used to be famous for (just take a picture of your receipt, that’s the only catch). The big difference is PRICE, and the difference is stunning in its magnitude. Harbor Freight is driving affordability and accessibility to quality tools.
Also worth considering: Heavy gauge extension cords. HF 14, 12, and 10 gauge cords are great. Again, you will save considerably.
To avoid… Sorry Harbor Freight, but I have made the mistake of buying Drill Master electric tools. I’ve never bought one that I did not return. I tried again last year, but nothing changed for the better. Also, construction tools, like chop saws, skilsaw, drills/drivers, impact drivers, I still stick with my favorite: Makita. I have tried the various HF alternatives, and none of them come close. Even with the huge price savings, the lack of quality and precision unfortunately made them entirely unusable for professional construction work.
Bottom line: If you have heard bad things about Harbor Freight, that is no surprise. Their humble beginnings were all about being cheap. Now, you will be shocked at the incredible quality of their basic hand tools (you will save thousands $$$ versus Snap On). The customer’s reviews of tools on their website are very helpful.
Harbor Freight Tool Box Review [11 Drawer Roller Tool Cabinet (US General)]
Good one.
cool list, and great writing. just got a HF right next to the house.
I would like to see more people try to support American companies where possible. We are doing ourselves no favors by supporting cheap foreign suppliers, and putting American workers out of work.
Sometimes, you have to go for the cheapest item, but I would like to see our attitudes shift from always looking to get a steal on a bunch of imported crap, and instead looking at ways to support local businesses and workers, by buying quality, non-disposable items. The short term costs may be higher, but the real cost of importing the bulk of our goods in the long run is much higher than you might realize.
I look at how often s tool will be used. frequently a harbor F tool is the same price or cheaper than a rental. Also I will buy something I know will be abused due to the nature of the project, ie cutting bricks with an abrasive cut off tool will not see my Dewalt cutoff but a cheap HF unit works great. I never have been let down by their tools as I am not using the daily on my job. The give away items make great stocking stuffers.
You could be a testimonial for HF. And we really like your philosophy of using less expensive tools when your project may very well trash them. Smart!
Thanks for posting,
I recently purchased the Harbor Freight 6-piece screwdriver set and I must say, it’s been a game changer for my DIY projects. The quality of the tools is surprisingly good and the price was unbeatable. I’ve been using it for several projects now and it’s definitely worth the investment. Highly recommend!
Thanks for taking the time to share this with us. We just might quote you in our next HF article!