PROXXON MICROMOT Power Tools – Mini Me of Tools


Our man in Amsterdam sent this one in.  Woodworking is a huge business and companies like Festool make high-end tools dedicated to the skill.  These tools are all great but what about when you have to work with small intricate material and cuts?  Sure you have a Dremel but what if you need a small table saw, router, even a planer?  Well you are in luck, PROXXON miniaturized typical wood working tools.  Check out PROXXON for more info.


  1. Omg, that stuff looks amazing if you were into doll house of birdhouse making those are the tools you need to make the crazy ornate one people make and sell. Even small tools can kick some serious butt!!

  2. I have the Proxxon TBM115 Miniature drill press…its not a toy believe me ($300), flawless quality and finish and no measurable run-out …read :none.
    No other drill press has given me that before no matter the price. And why does that matter ? Because I use this highly precise tool to drill 0.0065 in. holes in acrylic (a human hair is about 0.0045 , because the best of full size drill presses have several thousandths of an inch of off-center run-out and would break that drill bit at the slightest contact with the surface to be drilled.
    Of course there are always people to say for that money you could buy a full sized drill but those who buy a Proxxon micro drill press need precision not found anywhere near a classic or benchtop drill press…regardless of the brand. Sure, some will say that the thing will choke when trying to drill a 3/8″ hole in 1/4 inch steel plate and not even realize its not designed for that. Those who say its a toy will probably say that their dentist’s $4000 tooth drill is also a toy compared to their almighty Bosch SDS concrete hammer drill. It’s all in the ability to respect a tool’s (any tool’s) intent and limitations.


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