Memorial Day

Memorial Day 2024

Today we remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for this nation. Sorry, no new tool article today. Instead we want to take a moment to honor all those who gave their lives defending this country. Our hearts go out to their families. The whole TIA staff is grateful for those sacrifices and hope their legacy lives on.

The TIA office is closed today so our staff can spend this time with their loved ones. We’ll be back this week with more articles.

In the meantime, here are five facts about Memorial Day. Let us know in the comments if you learned something new!

5 Memorial Day Facts

  • Memorial Day was originally called “Decoration Day“.
  • Memorial Day was celebrated on May 30 every year until 1968 when Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. This act ensured a 3-day holiday weekend for federal employees every Memorial Day.
  • Decoration Day/Memorial Day was created three years after the Civil War to honor the war’s fallen soldiers.
  • After World War I Memorial Day shifted from honoring fallen soldiers from just the Civil War to all U.S. wars.
  • Waterloo, New York is considered the “birthplace” of Memorial Day.


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