Household Reviews

Are you looking for household reviews?  If so you have come to the right place.  We review the newest household products and report back to you.  Is there a household item you have in mind, but we don’t have a household reviews posted?  Drop us a line because we might be working on the household review or might have it in the works.  Technology is changing on a daily basis.  If you are looking to buy a new household item, get informed before you buy.  Understand what’s new in the marketplace and how it can affect your purchase.  If you still need help, talk to someone on the Power Tool Forum.  The Power Tool Forum is filled with great people who are very friendly and very smart.  Chances are if you are looking for a product, someone in the forum has experience and provide you with their household reviews.  Stay informed, stay up to date and become an expert before you buy.  Read our household reviews below.


Lockdown – An Introduction

Are you familiar with a company called LockDown?  For me, I have never heard of the company before.  I knew nothing about them or...
Whole House Generator

Whole House Generator

*Sponsored Post Site Survey for Home Standby Generator Step One When Purchasing a Standby Generator Automatic home standby generators provide peace of mind since they operate whether...
LifeProof Flooring Review

LifeProof Flooring Review

If you have been following us for a while, you know I am working on my house.  I am doing this in two phases. ...

Yardian Smart Sprinkler Review

As the rest of the tool and home appliance world gets "smarter" one must pose the question of when the rest of our everyday...
A.O. Smith

A.O. Smith – An Introduction to Water Systems

I remember when we moved into our house, the first thing I did was install a reverse osmosis system and a water softener.  For...
Guardian Leak Prevention System Review

Guardian Leak Prevention System Review

As smart home devices become more popular, it's natural to demand more out of our home automation systems. With that in mind, thinking outside...
Kwikset Smartkey Review

Kwikset SmartKey Review

If you have been following us for a while, you probably know I have been busy remodeling my house. While it has taken longer...
Stanley Fatmax Exo Jacket Review

Stanley Fatmax Exo Jacket Review

Remeber the pocket hose commercials? The hose that was going to change the industry.  While the concept was great and I bought into it,...
Newair Beverage Cooler Review

Newair Beverage Cooler Review

This is one of those products I have wanted for years.  I am not sure why because I have two refrigerators, one in our...
HDX Utility Base Cabinet Review

HDX Utility Base Cabinet Review

If you live in an older home or even a small home, you know storage is at a premium.  It always seems like we...
WD-40 Cleaner

WD-40 Specialist Cleaner & Degreaser

Pretty much everyone has heard of WD-40 and its flagship Multi-Use Product.  It's one of those products that is a staple in every household. ...

Lansky Sharpening System Review

Some people own cars but don’t like working on them, and some people own knives but don’t like, or know how to sharpen them....
Ryobi Stick Vac Review

Ryobi Stick Vac Review

Last week we reviewed the Ryobi Wet Dry Vac and gave it high praise.  Now we have a new Ryobi vacuum to talk about,...
Black & Decker Stick Vacuum Review

Black & Decker Stick Vacuum Review

Wow, the hand held vacuum has come a long way since the first introduction of the Dust Buster back in 1979.  To think that...
Ryobi Score Speaker Review

Ryobi Score Speaker Review

Music is a daily part of our lives.  We hear it in the elevator, in commercials and almost any store we walk into.  Whether...
Ryobi Garage Camera Review

Ryobi Garage Camera Review

Ryobi is a power tool manufacturer brand that is sold exclusively through The Home Depot. Their target market is the homeowner.  As far as I...